One that comes to mind averaged over 3000 in every service. The pastor would brag about his earned Doctorate, the high price of his suits, and how he could eat better food at the restaurants in Beverly Hills. He turned the church over to his arrogant son shortly before the Covid lock...
For the Catholic Church and members of the clergy, they serve God and work to help spread the teachings and guidance of Jesus Christ to their fellow man. By providing this crucial service to people of all walks of life, they are able to help better the lives of others and influence the ...
Pope Leo XIII explained why we are required to hold to the interpretation of the Fathers when they are unanimous: “the Holy Fathers, We say, are of supreme authority, whenever they all interpret in one and the same manner any text of the Bible, as pertaining to the doctrine of faith or...
Ingratitude: The Enemy of Celebration …seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge. Always Give Praise and Thanks To God! Celebration Dr. Kevin McKee. Praise and Prayer Becoming a “3 C” Church in 2013 Loving God: ...
fundamental means for Muslims to both relate and distinguish themselves from other religious identities, especially those such as Jews and Christians, with whom they share a common scriptural tradition. Keywords: Quran;scripture history of religion;exegesis;ritual;Arabic;prophet Muhammad;Suyuti;Mecca;...