Bible Verses About Healing - The Bible speaks often of miraculous healing through the work of Jesus Christ and through faith in God. Find Scripture that will encourage you and help you focus on finding comfort through the healing of Christ both spiri... ...
But such is the proneness of our mind to vanity, that it can never adhere to the truth of God, and such its dullness, that it is always blind even in his light. Hence without the illumination of the Spirit the Word has no effect; and hence also it is obvious that faith is ...
It is because I found a connection between Ecclesiastes and 1 Corinthians 15. I noticed overlapping words and themes:vanity,death-as-the-end, andthe hope of resurrection. I realized that Paul gives us the rest of the story, which Solomon either did not know or at least did not reveal to...
6Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. 7Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. 8Vanity of vanities, saith the ...
While God made Nebuchadnezzar suffer mightily and eat the rancid fruit of his vanity for seven long, cold, humiliating years, God did not cast him out entirely, but gave him an opportunity to repent…and that he did, and with great humility and eloquence. (see, Daniel 4:34-37) ...
Yesterday my Lord challenged me. Rather than just rant about the vanity I sense concerning Facebook that it is predominately used as “mebook” with no real purpose or value. The my Lord hit me, FB is a means to reach out Valentine’s Day Romance ...
Vanity is a particular form of pride. How many times have you detected yourself in consulting vanity about your dress and appearance? How many times have you thought more, and taken more pains, and spent more time about decorating your body to go to Church, than you have about preparing ...
There is not any action a man ought to do, or to forbear, but the Scripture will give him a clear precept or prohibition for it. South. Compared with the knowledge which the Scripteres contain, every other subject of human inquiry is vanity. Buckminster. 3. A passage from the Bible;...