I have to tell you, though, the thing that most struck me was how this devotional is written for every Catholic woman–not every married Catholic mom of little ones, as often seems the case, but every Catholic woman, whatever her vocation or stage of life. Different days focus on differen...
Hearing and obeying God’s Word builds our lives on the bedrock of truth. We’d all probably admit to being shaken to some degree in the face of devastating news. But when we remind ourselves of the truth of God’s Word about who our God is, how much He loves us, how powerful and...
I have taught this material on the college level, with very positive reviews. However, putting these resources into this format for wider distribution takes time and effort. Therefore, I am relying on others to help in this effort. If you feel these resources are helpful and valuable, you ...
Focused on Come, Follow Me Come, Follow Me: Doctrine and Covenants 19 (March 3-9, 2025) Pray always, and I will pour out my Spirit upon you, and great shall be your blessing–yea, even more great than if you should obtain treasures of earth and corruptibleness to the extent thereof ...
John MacArthur in hisDaily Biblesays, “The problem was their perception, not a lack of light.” Our perception, the filter through which we “see” everything has a tremendous effect on our lives. As I said in the introduction, we are affected much more by what we “think about” what...
图书Truth Vindicated; Being an Appeal to the Light of Christ Within, and to the Testimony of Holy Scripture by Way of Answer to a Pamphlet Entitled \Extra" 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
the scriptural concepts, but rather, it is a debate in which each of the proponents hold to their very firm positions concerning the subject matter of the debate. These scriptures (referenced in the study paper) are such clear testimony that the great burden on the heart of the Apostle Paul...
In our discussion this morning, we are going to consider self harm, integrity and loose words. To be specific, lets talk on the topic of self harm in relation to our speech. This is a condition prevalent amongst the human race, a condition that is prevalent in my own life, for as I...
A question we might ask is whether Brunner has correctly assessed the human condition or whether, in fact, his analysis is predicated on the loss of the cultural knowledge of God in Christendom. His exposition is not uncommon but follows a long tradition of biblical interpretation, especially pas...
Jesus Is Coming Soon!/ K.Stewart His Sheep Hear & Follow/ K.Stewart Light of the World/K.Stewart His Countenance The KING of Kings John 3:16 Animation The Life That Wins What're They Doing in Heaven? How to Practice Presence of Jesus C. H. Spurgeon Themes of Love Themes of Salvation...