Lost Sheep Messiah's Bible Modern Golden Calf? Old or New? Oracle of Damascus Order of Daniel Pillar of Fire Principles for Life Return When? Road Trip Back Roman Legions Sabbath Sermon on the Mount Shaking Spectrum of Light Sword of Truth ...
In Luke 15, Jesus tells a series of parables about things being lost and then found: the first is about a lost sheep, the second a lost coin, and the third a lost son. The final parable—about the lost son—is often called the Parable of the Prodigal Son. In it, a son requests ...
and they said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him thatsittethon the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb! Revelation 6:16 There is no room for the theory of a secret rapture in the book of Revelation and other books of the Bible for that...
Parable: The Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7). He never stops searching for you, no matter what you’ve done. What a God, to love us so desperately and rejoice so passionately at our return. Gospel: John. “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.”2“I will not leave you orphans;...
But he answered and said,I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.“ Matthew 15: 24 Jesus was “confirming the covenant” with the children of Israel during His ministry. With them he spent most of His time. His plea of the coming Kingdom of God was a message...
Scripture Memory I Old Testament Memory Verses For the "Memory Challenged" Eight Lessons Bible Study Course "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." II Timothy 2:15 A BRIEF NOTE ON HOW TO EFFECTIVELY...
Assyria came up against all the fortified cities of Judah and took them. 2 Then the king of Assyria sent the Rabshakeh with a great army from Lachish to King Hezekiah at Jerusalem. And he stood by the aqueduct from the upper pool, on the highway to the Fuller's Field. (Isaiah 36:...
It twinkles high above the earth Once glistened on a royal birth— Encircled by an angel’s choir Proclaiming God’s desire. Shepherds feared that dazzling light Attending their sheep that holy night It lured wise men from afar— Vowed to follow this shining star. ...
(Rom.15:8). He was sent "but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matt.15:24). And in marvelous grace He tabernacled among them. But He was not wanted. "He came unto His own, and His own received Him not" (John 1:11). Not only did they receive Him not, they "...
When he had been forty years in this school of faith-obedience, God came to perfect his faith, and to crown it with His fullest blessing. Nothing could fit him for this but a crowning act of obedience. When he had bound his son on the altar, God came and said (Gen.22:12, 18),...