Two disciples on the Emmaus road learned that lesson as they were schooled on the Bible like a window into the Word of God. Luke wrote about that saying Jesus explained and began “at Moses and all the prophets... and expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. scripture nounThe Bible,The Word,The Gospels,The Scriptures,The Word of God,The Good Book,Holy Scripture,Holy Writ,Holy Bible,The Book of Booksa quote from scripture ...
28 、One of the most prized honorifics in Islamic society is “hafiz” or “one who has the entirescriptureoff by heart”.───在伊斯兰社会,最为人珍视的尊称就是“哈菲兹(hafiz)”,即“能背诵全部古兰经的人”。 29 、No revelation beyond the text of Scripture.───圣灵的见证与圣经的启示的...
The precepts of the LORD are right, bringing joy to the heart; the commandments of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes." These verses highlight how Scripture provides wisdom, joy, and enlightenment, drawing believers closer to God.Guidance for Life and ConductScripture serves as a...
one man has a practical, personal, on the ground understanding of the only God the other has theological knowledge – a religious, mountain top kind of learning the conversations they must have had each filling in the various vacancies
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. scripture nounThe Bible,The Word,The Gospels,The Scriptures,The Word of God,The Good Book,Holy Scripture,Holy Writ,Holy Bible,The Book of Booksa quote from scripture ...
Scripture by Heart: Devotional Practices for Memorizing God`s Word Memorizing Scripture can seem overwhelming--like one more task on a checklist. But pastor Joshua Choonmin Kang has discovered what happens when we do spend time memorizing God's Word: We grasp a larger, truer picture of God. ...
In summary, understanding Scripture is a dynamic and ongoing process that involves the mind, heart, and spirit. It requires diligence, humility, and reliance on the Holy Spirit, leading believers into a deeper relationship with God and a more profound comprehension of His eternal truths....
God has put everyone here with a purpose (Romans 8:28). There is a way to a better life, a life FULL of Blessings (Ephesians 3:20). God is the way. All you have to do is believe in Him. Speak it from your mouth and believe it in your heart (Romans 10:9-10). From there,...
-Anonymous User "Beautiful! I memorize scripture much better when it is put to song, and this app is a God-send!!! The songs are so beautifully done, and must say this is an invaluable app that will forever be on my phone and plan on singing these everywhere!" -Antoinette...