Many Christians assume that neither the Kingdom of God in which Christ is king or “the binding of Satan” has taken place. But is this the testimony of scripture? Is this what the scriptures teach? Let’s explore this subject together to learn what the scriptures reveal!
and follow Him. Hence we find that John's two disciples left him, and became the disciples of Christ. Beloved, we who preached long to have your attention, but when you give your attention to us, our longing then is to pass it on to Christ our Lord. Look on Him, not ...
What that means to those who come to Christ during the seven years of wrath is that you will have to prove your allegiance to Christ by losing your life for your testimony, but not to worry, Jesus will be there to escort you into eternity. Did you know that I learned how to sin as...
Vacation Bible School was fun. I especially liked the crafts. On the last day of VBS, all of us children waited anxiously for our parents to arrive so we could show them what we had made during the week. I had painted a King Edwards cigar box black and put decals and shells on it....
The world is the house of the Great King and the Great Artist. He does not permit Himself to be seen; for man cannot see God, only the world. But this world is His creation, and whether conscious of it or not, it speaks of Him who made it. Yet in spite of this testimony man ...
research has shown that the weight will stay off. Try this two-one-two formulae. Drink two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water with each meal every day. See if you don't lose at least one inch from your fat waist by the end of two months. Continue on this plan ...
Gathering false testimony. Exchanging knowing glances. Finding the one weak link in that original Band of Brothers, then bribing Judas to help them ‘take Jesus down.” Making plans which would find culmination on Golgotha’s brow. In light of this it is no wonder that Annias and Caiaphas ...
’ So it is in practical life,-and no less so when glibly used to discredit well-attested facts. We neither aspire to the omniscience which pronounces that there can be no possession by evil spirits, nor venture to brush aside the testimony of the Gospels and the words of Christ, in ...
We may not be able to see Jesus and have the people’s direct experience of Jesus’ day, but we have enough reasons to believe the testimony of those who did. There are even more than just His disciples who experienced Jesus in person!
But, I have been moved to share my testimony, (even the falling away part) to encourage any person on their Jesus journey who has struggles that seem insurmountable. The answer for you is the same as it was (and is) for me. You will find it, only in Jesus Christ. ...