Cynics believe that they have the power to see through people and know their... 124 views1 comment 1 like. Post not marked as liked1 Brian Fuller Aug 27, 20242 min read Overcoming Spatial Disorientation On July 16, 1999, John F. Kennedy Jr was killed along with his wife Carolyn ...
Is it any wonder that the Haftarah portion on this Sabbath fromJeremiah 34:8-10reads in a simliar way to today's headlines? The situation was different in "The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD, after King Zedekiah had made a covenant with all the people in Jerusalemto make a ...
Our ministry isn’t boxed into a particular time, place, or group of people. Our programs don’t take care of all of our obligations. There is a sense in which we should always be “on,” always ready to serve. Even if there are official greeters at church, we can greet people whe...
22 Comments on Favorites (For Now) Lectio Divina I tend to babble about how much I love the Bible. Then I take out my Bible and introduce people to it like it’s a friend. Once we get past the weird looks I get for introducing them to an inanimate object, I often have to deal...
s happening. The problem is that someone else is doing the programming. Make no mistake about it. If you don’t program your mind, other people will. Whether you like it or not, you are engaged in mortal mental combat, and your mind is ground zero. If you let your culture, the ...
Jesus used that symbolism in John 3:8 when talking with Nicodemus. But, what filled the house where they were meeting? Wind or sound? The sound filled the whole building. Verse 5 confirms that it was "sound" and not "wind" for people on the outside heard it and came to the meeting...
If you believe they put a man on the moon... This line can mean two things: If you believe that they will put a man on the moon...then they'll do it ( because you'll vote for all the right people who charge you taxes to fund it). If you believe that they have put a man...
Does that not speak to the tremendous import God lays on the unity of His people. Not uniformity, for that is not the topic when discord is under consideration in the proverbs. Uniformity may be maintained for a time even in the midst of discord, but upon the very instance of discord be...
I’ve believed in OSAS ( Christ died once, we believed once, therefore we are eternally saved); however, recently I’ve been talking to other people who believe one can lose their salvation if they “fall away” or become apostates. Do you believe that those who have believeth on the ...
underwent and suffered the punishment deserved by us, being made sin and curse for us; He was crucified and died; He arose on the third day with the same body in which He suffered; and He ascended into heaven where He sits at the Father's right hand making intercession for His people....