Together we encourage one another while resolving struggles through biblical truths. We emphasize supporting fellow believers through life's difficulties with scripture's uplifting messages. Our mission is building a compassionate culture deeply rooted in the Bible. We face issues guided by its principles...
If the texts are leather, they may be heavy and need to be unrolled. Finding the proper passage in each scroll is a bit of a chore. If texts are papyrus, they are read held in the arm, one hand clasping or “supporting” the “bulk” of the scroll, while the other unrolls. Did...
Scott Cunninghamsuggests setting up an altar made of three stones: two roughly equal-sized stones as the base and a larger one resting across their tops. Smaller stones placed on top may represent the god and goddess, although there is no reason why the two supporting stones themselves should...
With these thoughts, reason is another element to think about. Again, whether or not homosexuality is sin is not my aim, I will let God judge that, but if it is, is it reasonable to exclusively exclude and discriminate against those who have “sinned” in such a way, while welcoming th...
John 19:34 But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water. John 19:37 And again another Scripture says, “They will look on him whom they have pierced.” The Fountain was opened for us, never to be closed. He is the Fountain whi...
Southernmost in the lowest court were the public balls, namely: the "house of the forest of Libanus", the "Porch of pillars", and the throne-hall; farther in from the throne-hall (III K., vii, 8, Heb. text) and on a higher level another court, called "middle court", IV K., ...
Genuine Scripture is the Word of God; anything else is from another source - something that should sound sinister to the believer. It is hoped that this booklet will provide a clear answer to any student who is wondering what is going on, and where genuine Scripture is to be found.There ...
20 as stated above. There is light from God that can be seen from the material states. Of course, as we develop, we can come into the light and truth of the Lord Jesus. Not only does the material support our life, but the procedures to arrive at the supporting nature serves the ...
one who layeth fast hold on the cord of My glory; and the needy one who entereth beneath the shadow of the Tabernacle of My wealth. Blessed the ignorant one who seeketh the fountain of My knowledge; and the heedless one who cleaveth to the cord of My remembrance. Blessed the soul ...
One of the principal duties of angels is to serve as guardians for the baptized. There is little Scriptural evidence supporting the view that un-baptized people have guardian angels, but the early Fathers had differing opinions on the question and the Church has not addressed the issue. Here ...