When he had been forty years in this school of faith-obedience, God came to perfect his faith, and to crown it with His fullest blessing. Nothing could fit him for this but a crowning act of obedience. When he had bound his son on the altar, God came and said (Gen.22:12, 18), ...
Please let us join together in prayer with all those who are presently praying for our beloved poor souls in purgatory. Reply Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website ...
On that dusty road to Emmaus, neither man was praying for His presence, but Jesus appeared because He knew their damaged hearts. He does the same today. When you are at your lowest and don’t feel like praying, Jesus will show up just for you because of His great love and understanding...
“I am prepared, first because of the goodness and grace of God, who wants me to be saved (2 Peter 3:9). It all started when He brought conviction of sin upon me through the Holy Spirit and led me to confess and turn away from a life of sin. His death on the cross for my si...
What a truer interpretation?” Tertullian, A Treatise on the Soul, 35 (A.D. 210). “All souls, therefore; are shut up within Hades: do you admit this? It is true, whether you say yes or no: moreover, there are already experienced there punishments and consolations; and there you ha...
Many of us have been fervently praying that God would turn the church upside down and vigorously shake it (Heb 12:25-29). When this happens, those who love money and have lost their grip on the truth will be the first to fall. ...
O Lord, please pour Your Spirit afresh on me. May Your resurrecting power shine forth in my life and the lives of my loved ones. In Jesus Christ’s Name, I pray, Amen. REFECT: Is there something you’ve been praying for and haven’t seen yet? Are you struggling to believe that ...
Our Savior found it necessary on occasion to take a whole night for prayer. The words "pray" and "prayer" are used at least twenty-five times in connection with our Lord in the brief record of His life in the four Gospels, and His praying is mentioned in places where the words are ...
Spurgeon on Bunyan, by C. H. Spurgeon. The preaching references to John Bunyan made by C. H. Spurgeon during his sermons.
The term soul has been used this way in modern society. When the Titanic made its maiden voyage, it was said to have 2,240 souls or people on board, of which more than 1,500 souls lost their lives. This leads us to the final question of the day. ...