Thinking on Scripture with Dr. Steven R. CookAbout Beliefs Audio & Books The Gospel Christian Ministries Steven R. Cook DonateWrite These on Your HeartA life marked by love and faithfulness brings favor with both God and people. When we embody these virtues, we align ourselves with God’s ...
positive focus creates a consistently positive mind. The battle for a positive mind is fought on the battlefield of focus. In order to break the back of depression, you will have to learn how to persistently and consistently control your mental focus. Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking is ...
If I practiced what I preach, I would be filling this waiting time with prayer, with appreciation of the many blessings in our life, and with positive thoughts on what comes next. I do some of that, but I tend to slip back into the land of worst-case scenarios. I don’t want to...
There is no greater example of love than Jesus Christ. All that Jesus said and did was done in love towards others, as He was seeking their best interests. Certainly the love and goodness He displayed to His enemies was never based on their worthiness. Jesus displayed love and goodness when...
Today is the 16th birthday ofThe Deep End. It has become a tradition for young ladies to celebrate their “sweet 16th” on their 16th birthdays as sort of a “coming of age” ceremony. I’m neither young nor a lady, but I would like to celebrate 16 years of fairly consistently bloggin...
In the midst of hard times, we have a tendency to forget what the Lord has already done and the battles he hasalready won. Instead of thinking of God in the best light, like he does with us, we often think of him in a negative light. My pastor did a sermon series on1 Corinthians...
Reflections on living on a low income in Australia (Part 1) It has been tough since I lost my job a few years ago. But I have managed to find casual work all these years. My wife works part-time. I also do volunteering work. Unfortunately, even though we both work very hard, we ...
Paul’s focus on Jesus, whether he lives or dies, is what got me thinking about YOLO and FOMO. We humans can believe that we will be fulfilled in life when we have lots of amazing experiences or purchases. Some people plan their lives based on YOLO and FOMO. They create a Bucket List...
Although certain commentators may be concerned about God’s selective election (some are chosen, some are not), we should focus on the positive way Paul presents this truth. Ephesians 1 does not portray God as the One who rejects, but elects… The purpose of the election is that all ...
Conner, Caitlin M., Amy Ionadi, and Carla A. Mazefsky. “Recent Research Points to a Clear Conclusion: Autistic People Are Thinking About, and Dying by, Suicide at High Rates.” The Pennsylvania Journal on Positive Approaches 12, no. 3 (November 2023): 69–76. ...