On Tanna Island, every time the translation committee completed a portion of Scripture in Nafe, we would record it before printing it. The books of Mark, Luke, Acts, James, and others were released both in print and audio well before the entire New Testament was completed. In all cases, ...
Bible Verses About Healing - The Bible speaks often of miraculous healing through the work of Jesus Christ and through faith in God. Find Scripture that will encourage you and help you focus on finding comfort through the healing of Christ both spiri... ...
Jesus overcoming death and rising from death was the hope of the Apostles’ letters, preaching, and teaching, especially Paul’s. We should contemplate what that means to us as followers of Christ. There is more here than you might not have considered. Paul said, “…that I may know Him ...
(Psalm 119:11 - "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.") Addicted ~ excellent for overcoming sinful addictions, cleansing the mind, and overcoming the world through diligent study of God's Word. (I John 5:4 - "For whatsoever is born of God ...
blindness,body of Christ,Camp,Deliverers,flesh,judgment,overcoming,saints,Syria,Syrians,warLeave a comment Studies March 15, 2018 For Our Admonition Part 8 “Intimacy with Christ Raises the Dead” Key Verses: 2Ki 4:29 – 4:37 All true men and women of God have to come to their wits end...
We can’t be an effective witness or preacher if we ourselves have not been successful in overcoming. A desire to serve the Lord and be His minister should help us strive for the higher calling of having the Lord glorified in our deeds and acts. ...
(Psalm 119:11 - "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.") Addicted ~ excellent for overcoming sinful addictions, cleansing the mind, and overcoming the world through diligent study of God's Word. (I John 5:4 - "For whatsoever is born of God ...