This is one of those passages of Scripture that lingers in the air and echoes in the mind long after it’s been read. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God. That’s one reassuring promise. There’s no one else who can make a promise like that and keep it. Ha...
Have not we who have been grafted into God's redemptive and all-embracing love also been marked in such a way? Of course we have, and the Bible tells us that nothing can separate us from God's abiding love (Rom. 8:37-39). Moreover, just as Harry discovered when his touch ...
For GREAT BRITAIN and NORTHERN IBELAND and all parts of the British Empire which are not separate Members of the League of Nations: The Right Honourable Lord CUSHENDUN, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Acting-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; ...
Paul starts his letter to the Galatians by defending the Gospel and his Apostleship. Paul reminds them that his salvation and growth as a Christian was independent of men and even separate from the Apostles in Jerusalem. Paul comes out against the teaching that Diaspora believers must become lik...
She kept nothing back, offering her past, her present, and her future in her desperate longing to be close to Christ. If only. Place on Earth: Assisi. Have you been? Go! It can get crowded around feast days, but when it’s quiet, there’s a spirit of prayer that permeates the ...
Let’s not give up. Let’s keep going to God with open hands and hearts. Let’s see if we can allow God to give us grace that does its work of renewing us on the inside. Let’s allow the difficulties to take us deeper with Jesus Christ, so his power rests upon us. So we’...
Was it all of the various emotions, sensations, and realizations being enjoyed in separate parts of my mind? It certainly was all of these things, but it was so much more than that at the same time. It was all of these elements working together to create a cumulative effect th...
If its separate parts be not in the state in which they left the hands of their authors, but have been mutilated, interpolated, or altered; then it can form no safe standard; for, in appealing to it, one cannot be sure that the appeal is not made to what is spurious, and what, ...
Daniel 7:25-The fourth power on earth or the fourth beast will make war on the saints and be given to make war with them for a specific time in history. A separate study shows that this time was historically accurate. (See Prophecies for Our Time. The Beast and Little Horn of Daniel...
There is nothing and no one that can separate me from you; I have nothing to fear. You are my Rock, my Savior, and my Deliverer. Be with me as I move forward in this time of confusion and difficulty. Above all, may your will be done on earth, and in my life, as it is in ...