Hal Lindsey and his followers predict 7 years of tribulation before Jesus returns based on a part of this prophecy. He states that since the church is “raptured” and the “saved” are spared from any uncomfortable situations i.e., the plagues, Anti-Christ, Mark of the Beast etc. But,...
In the meantime, we forget about the meaning of Christmas, which is about the Word became flesh, that the Son of God became a human, to embody the truthfulness of God in a world of deceitfulness and injustice. I can go on to talk about the ideological belief in a highly market-driven...
when we drink, we know not that there is anything the matter with us. We are like a lunatic in a cell, who thinks himself a prince in a palace, and though living on porridge and milk, fancies that he is partaking of all the dainties of a luxurious table. The deceitfulness of sin ...
The King of Syria, a representation of the old man, our man of sin, is warring against the Israel and Christ within us. This king relies on his servants, the lies and false doctrines of the harlot (Rev 9:16) to guide him in his warring conquests. Yet Christ in us, the man of Go...
This day has not yet come. The dominating, violent, exclusionary, deceitful, and blasphemous promises of Trump will make the realization of that day harder. But I refuse to despair. Love-rooted-Faith and Love-rooted-Hope, I must. For “God’s love has been poured into our hearts through...