the wordsofScriptureinprayer to God, does not mean that we neglect the ordinary reading oftheScripturesorthe careful study of the Word of God. 但是我们祷读圣经,重复经上的话来向神祷告,意思并不是说,我们忽略了 平常的读经,以及仔细研读神的话。
In the Christian Greek Scriptures syg·ge·nesʹ refers to a relative by blood, but it is never used in speaking of the relation between parents and children. 《希腊语经卷》中,syg·ge·nesʹ“西格内斯”是指有血缘关系的家庭之间的成员,但这个词从不会用来指父母子女之间的关系。 jw2019 ...
God’s promises to us can never be broken and when I see God’s handiwork in the stars, breathe in the ocean air, take in the endless mountain views or the beauty in the land, I think how awesome his love is for me. Knowing that nothing or no one can stop that love is precious ...
One liturgical year ago on this day, Ash Wednesday, we launched Called to Communion with the vision of engaging Reformed Christians on the fundamental issues that keep us divided. Our ultimate goal has ever been the restoration to full sacramental unity of all of God’s people. The division ...
for a God who loved us enough to create us and put us in a world where we could flourish, would most certainly want to communicate with us. Sometimes Scripture seems to show God giving dreams and visions or speaking directly to many people. But relatively few people who have ever lived ...
Hannah reminds us to think twice (or thrice) before speaking too soon. By John Boopalan November 11, 2024 Politics of Scripture A Widow’s Presence This widow of Mark 12 is the same widow of Psalm 146 and the same widow of the Torah that God promises to uphold, protect, and do...
because some traditions have been superimposed in the pulpit over the Word of God in the back of the pew despite Almighty God's instruction tonot add to or take awayfrom what He has said. It's time to reach out to open that Bible and seek out God's voice that is speaking to you....
Martha, Martha. A woman whom Jesus depended on for ministering, nurturing, hospitality, friendship, companionship, rest and respite. Understand what Jesus is saying, and not saying to his friend, since He is speaking to all women…Read more ...
1– The gift of tongues is a lesser gift from God. While speaking in tongues is a gift of the Spirit, Paul teaches that it is a lesser gift on the continuum of divine gifts from God (1 Cor. 12:10,28,30). For example, Paul says that tongues is a much lesser gift than the gift...