No human effort, no good works, no religious activity can ever satisfy the perfect righteousness of God. Works do not save—they never have, and they never will. The only work that matters is the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, where He bore the penalty for sin in full (...
Christ “put off” His body on the cross, in which God “put off” spiritual rulers and in which Christians have “put off” the old unregenerate self and its sinful deeds. Read More → Dec 5, 2023 Zachary Garris The Spirit-Anointed Messiah (Mark 12:35-37) Jesus Christ is the ...
Restoring the Ark The ideal of Israel's monarchy was articulated at that point in the Scripture. The king is to be an earthly manifestation of God's rule over the world, to obey God's commands and to worship Him alone - in remembrance of His covenant and the great things He has done...
Unless there be some correspondence between God's whole-hearted love in heaven, and our whole-hearted, loving obedience on earth, Christ cannot manifest Himself to us, God cannot abide in us, we cannot abide in His love. 2. If we go on from our Lord Jesus to His apostles, we find in...
“And it is by resorting to the divine Revelation, documented in the Holy Scriptures, that the Church fulfills its mission, bringing to the questions and the search for men that light which comes from the Word inspired by God, capable of shining in the heart of all the val...
and God responds to Elijah and proves to be a God who makes himself known. But it’s not in the wind, or the earthquake, or fire but in the “sound of silence”, a faint whisper. God responds to us often not in the ways we might expect, often not on our terms, but on his te...
So God was giving the Jewish people 490 weeks to do all those things. Impossible to do on their own, but achievable under the power of a mighty God. With God’s bidding comes His ability to do it through His strength. So let’s set this stake in the ground: The 70 weeks are given...
So Jesus’ prayer is for believers like you and me who believe in God’s word. What was his prayer for the disciples and us who believe in God’s word? …that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me ...
Thanks be to God. Notes 1 The Season of Creation is one such commentary ( accessed on 15 December 2023. Lutherans Restoring Creation has a section on their website with Creation-based lectionary commentaries:
“The first work that Christ entrusted to Peter on restoring him to the ministry was to feed the lambs. This was a work in which Peter had little experience. It would require great care and tenderness, much patience and perseverance. It called him to minister to those who were young in ...