God has revealed himself to humans in many different ways. This should be no surprise, for a God who loved us enough to create us and put us in a world where we could flourish, would most certainly want to communicate with us. Sometimes Scripture seems to show God giving dreams and visi...
The animal would soon be a dead sacrifice – killed by the offeror/worshiper – before being placed on the altar. In the New Testament we are told to present ourselves as living (not dead, thank God)sacrifices. Of course, the problem with a living sacrifice is that it has a tendency t...
It fosters a sense of unity and dependence on God. The Role of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit plays a vital role in helping us live out the principles of 1 John 1: Conviction of Sin: The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, leading us to confession and repentance. He helps us ...
God loves and accepts me the way I am, but He loves me to much to let me stay that way. He loves me from the top of my head to the tip of my toes, and it does not get any better than that. For the rest of my life I will max out on God's love. Real Power: Maxing ...
I became a Christian in my later teen years, when one faces myriad choices that will affect the rest of life: college or not, and where; majors; vocations; mates, location. In the years since my teens, I’ve read a number of opinions about discerning God’s will for your life, or ...
Sacrifice sounds harsh, but when it comes to God, we can trust that his way is a good way. It is an abundant life (John 10:10). We give generously to his kingdom through offerings. We volunteer our time through ministries. I am convinced that giving our time on Sunday morning to ...
Then I ©2009 -Permission is granted for personal use small group Bible studies, on the condition that no charge is made. 3 remembered the word of the Lord, how He said, 'John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.' If therefore God gave them ...
2 Tim. 3:16-17 – Finally, if these verses really mean that Paul was teaching sola Scriptura to the early Church, then why in 1 Thess. 2:13 does Paul teach that he is giving Revelation from God orally? Either Paul is contradicting his own teaching on sola Scriptura, or Paul was not...
” Scripture has principles, but Scripture is primarily a revelation of who God is and most specifically who Jesus is. The Old Testament points forward to Christ. The Gospels reveal Christ through His life, death and resurrection, what He taught and through His actions. The rest of the New ...
Remember, your true identity is found in being fully known and loved by God. Let His unconditional love be your anchor, and rest tonight in the assurance that you are cherished beyond measure. Listen to this episode ofYour Nightly Prayer, and if you like what you hear, subscribe onAppleor...