“And it is by resorting to the divine Revelation, documented in the Holy Scriptures, that the Church fulfills its mission, bringing to the questions and the search for men that light which comes from the Word inspired by God, capable of shining in the heart of all the val...
John 1:1 – John writes, “the Word was God.” This is clear evidence of Jesus Christ’s divinity. (Note: in the Jehovah’s bible, the passage was changed to “Word was a god.” This is not only an embarrassing attempt to deny the obvious divinity of Christ, but it also violates...
Luke 1:35 – the child will be called holy, the Son of God. Mary is the Mother of the Son of God, or the Mother of God (the “Theotokos”). Luke 1:28 –“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.” These are the words spoken by God and delivered to us by the ange...
In the coming studies, the Antichrist will be revealed through God’s word. Please understand it is not something I discovered. It has been known for thousands of years. Great men and women of God proclaimed it long before our generation. But, there is a counterfeit to this information as ...
is anything parallel to that anywhere else amongst the men whom the world recognises as being great religious geniuses or great moral teachers. What characterises as perfectly unique our Lord’s teaching is not only the blessed things that He said about God or the deep truths that He said ...
“Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship.” John 4:20 Jesus response to her revealed the character of God. He does not limit the value of a person related to sex, race, or culture. What matters are those wh...
despite being untrained in theMosaic Law(Acts 4:13). Peter is well known for his declaration of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God, to which Jesus responded, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, ...
3- On Being Almost Persuaded 4- On Neglecting Salvation 5- Prayer for The Holy Spirit 6- Conscience and The Bible 7- No Pleasure: Sinners Death 8- On Being Searched of God 9- On Injustice To Character 10- God's Goodness Toward Men 11- Losing First Love 12- Men Ignorant of God 13-...
’ God has done what it is needful for Him to do. His part of the conditions has been fulfilled. Fulfil yours--’He that believeth on Him.’ And if you can say, not He is the propitiation for our sin, but for my sin, then you will live and move and have your being in a ...