The angel with the key shows that God has the power and authority over Satan to bind him into a prison that He has prepared for him. The bottomless pit is the abyss where the evil spirits are held. Learn More The Book of Revelation 19:21 ...
Though He be gentle as a lamb, yet against sin and iniquity He is fiercer than a young lion when it roareth on its prey. If we follow Him, hold fast His truth, believe in His atonement, and perpetually proclaim His gospel, we shall overcome all error, and all sin, and all evil. ...
1 Cor. 15:29-30 – Paul mentions people being baptized on behalf of the dead, in the context of atoning for their sins (people are baptized on the dead’s behalf so the dead can be raised). These people cannot be in heaven because they are still with sin, but they also cannot be...
12. How do religions based on pantheism (god is in everything), polytheism (there are many gods), and occult supernatu- ralism (evil spirits, Satan worship) all agree? 13. Aristotle believed in s___ g___. 14. Plato and Aristotle believed that the world was the ___ of the ___...
but it can’t be based on counting or pursuing good works. Those good works find their origin in the root of Christ. He is the root; works are the fruit. He is the vine. We are the branches. As branches, we cannot produce the fruit if not connected to the source of the fruit, ...
Napoleon called ‘impossible’ a ‘beast of a word.’ So it is in practical life,-and no less so when glibly used to discredit well-attested facts. We neither aspire to the omniscience which pronounces that there can be no possession by evil spirits, nor venture to brush aside the testi...
but God only must be allowed as the Father of our spirits,Heb 12:9. Our religion must not be derived from, or made to depend upon, any man…We must not swear to the dictates of any creature, not the wisest or best, nor pin our faith on any man's sleeve, because we know not ...
May the Name of the Lord be praised, and by thinking on His name, may you have a blessed day. 139 FATHER OF SPIRITS Hebrews 12:9 Besides this, we have had earthly fathers who disciplined us and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live...
Bible Verses About Forgiveness - Read Scriptures that offer biblical guidance on forgiveness and how important it is to forgive others as we have been forgiven by the blood of Christ. With the grace and mercy shown to us, we are always able to start ... ...
35For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. ...