These works are not only good; they are also “prepared.”“Good works which God hath before ordained [prepared] that we should walk in them” (Eph. 2: 10). The only other time this word is used in the New Testament is in Romans 9: 23: “vessels of mercy, which he had afore pr...
I left my keys in the bathroom and when I went back in to get them, I noticed I had grease on my clothes.’ She rubbed at the spot on her weathered skirt. ‘I tried to wash it, but I had to take it off because the skirt wouldn’t reach the faucet...
Scripture Notes is built on the Infininotes™ Engine. Just keep adding content panes to continue your stream of study. Study the scriptures the way your brain works without losing your place! Mobile Apps Available for Android and iOS in the app stores. Now at version 0.98. The Power in ...
Learn the definition of the word “gospel” Understand the central invitation of the gospel Learn that eternal is the absolutely free gift of God See how good works and faithful living fit in to gospel Grow in your ability to share the gospel with others ...
Since the ability to do good works comes from the Holy Spirit, the believer must depend upon Him. And since doing good works is a duty, the believer will do them. Thus, good works are a matter of the believer depending and doing....
…a Christian’s good works are performed in order that the grace that God has given us may be lived out so that we may become more like Christ. As I have said, the purpose of “good works” for the Catholic is not to get you into heaven, but to get heaven into you. The ...
I am not weary in doing good, for at just the right time I will reap a harvest of blessing if I don't give up.Galatians 6:9 Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy...
but it can’t be based on counting or pursuing good works. Those good works find their origin in the root of Christ. He is the root; works are the fruit. He is the vine. We are the branches. As branches, we cannot produce the fruit if not connected to the source of the fruit, ...
I am convinced that giving our time on Sunday morning to participate in worship services is a good start, but we need to take the next step from there. We need to serve the mission of the Kingdom. We need to understand, first what the mission is, and then take steps to align our ...
Declining offers may jeopardise future job opportunities. But at the same time it is very stressful to take on too much work, not to mention that the quality of my work will drop when doing multiple jobs. Not uncommonly, the pay is not good, and sometimes the employer does not pay on ...