Yeshua taught the written words of The Father to live by. That's the message from in His first public teaching known as the Sermon on the Mount. After repeating several blessings, Jesus laid it all out for everyone: "For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not a ...
35When some of those standing near heard this, they said, “Listen, he’s calling Elijah.” 36Someone ran, filled a sponge with wine vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink. “Now leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah comes to take him down,” he said. ...
cxii). The later Syrian writers do not throw much light upon the question. Gregory Bar Hebrieus, in his short commentary on Scripture, treats of the books in the following order (Assemani, Bibl. Orient. 2:282): the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, Psalm, 1 and 2 ...
Jesus doesn’t just send perfect people to do his will. Jesus doesn’t just invite perfect people to follow him. Jesus doesn’t call upon the perfect to become pilgrims on the journey towards heaven. The good news of the gospel is that even if you consider yourself a wretched sinner Jesu...
Father. “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1). When we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, we become God’s children. Fathers instruct, guide, and discipline their children, but they also love to...
we all belong to one another, and we each contribute our unique gifts to embody Christ on earth. As much as the other relationships communicate incomprehensible love, being Jesus’ very body and the Holy Spirit’s permanent dwelling place is an even deeper closeness and a most epic calling. ...
“Oh, if placed on that lofty watch-tower, you could gaze into the secret places–if you could open the closed doors of sleeping chambers and recall their dark recesses to the perception of sight–you would behold things done by immodest persons which no chaste eye could look upon; you ...
on ourselves the grace of the Spirit; consider how heavy the charge of not choosing to profit even after this assistance, but rather treating what is written with neglect, as if it were cast forth without purpose, and at random, and so bringing down upon ourselves our punishment with ...
From Nephi to Moroni, every Book of Mormon prophet was committed to the sacred purpose summarized on the book’s title page: “the convincing of [all people] that Jesus is the Christ.” One prophet saw Himas a premortal spirit, and another sawHis mortal ministryin a vision. One stood ...
OnOctober 11, 2024BytgifmastermindsInUncategorized4 Comments Jesus began calling his first disciples out of the saltshaker and into the world. And guess where the saltshakers had found refuge? In the synagogues! Yes, hiding in plain sight. What you may not realize is that John the Baptist wa...