Once when we were visiting my husband’s parents, a couple of women from church came by to see my mother-in-law. They brought a plant and card and conversed for a few minutes. When my mother-in-law thanked them profusely, one of the women said, “Well, you were on our list today...
Um, since I am one of the five LDS women who didn't start sewing the moment I left the womb, I am terrified to try this. It is darling, I am in love with the colors, and I really need one…I am just scared. My grandma just gave me a sewing machine and I haven't even take...
Men and women who believed what they said, tried to share the incredible “Good News,” and spent the remainder of their lives as committed to that truth on the day they died as they were when the reality of the Resurrection first burst through their grief and sorrow and unbelief. I’...
Marriage in the Bible is held in the utmost importance and admiration as men and women "become one flesh" in holy matrimony. "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24) The Bible gives us divine ...
On the Cutting Edge: the Study of Women in the Biblical World: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza These essay in honour of Professor Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza draw on international feminist scholarship indebted to her ground-breaking achievements in the areas of biblical studies, ...
who have given the world the better part of their days, and have only the last fragment of them to give to God. Obadiah had feared God from his youth, and that had a good deal to do with his brave stand against Jezebel. It is a grand thing to enlist habit on the side of ...
They dealt the more obstinate a thrust with the saber; the women dared not show themselves :in the street, dreading worse violences.[3] In this manner was the Popish religion re-established in Bearn. This was the first of the dragonnades. Louis XIV was afterwards to repeat on the ...