The biblical verses I alluded to—Psalm 19:1-2; Psalm 139:13-15; Luke 13:20-21; Proverbs 6:6; Psalm 33:7; Genesis 1:1 Here are three related blog posts on how science supports the Bible—Medical Science and the Bible, The “Ologies,” and The Perfection of the Universe Here ...
Is it acceptable for a Christian to vote one way on a measure, not because they think it is biblical, but because they think it should be a function of government? Because we are citizens of the Kingdom of Jesus, my opinion is that there could be many ballot measures for which it cou...
Bible Verses About Forgiveness - Read Scriptures that offer biblical guidance on forgiveness and how important it is to forgive others as we have been forgiven by the blood of Christ. With the grace and mercy shown to us, we are always able to start ... ...
Early Christian doctrine, much helped to articulation by Greek thought, had to maintain its biblical character against other elements in its Hellenistic environment. One wing of the church clung so tenaciously to its Jewish heritage that it failed to grasp what was novel in Christianity. This branc...
In his essay, “Towards a Canonical Reading of the Psalms,” Gordon Wenham argues similarly to the first of my undergraduate readings (See Wenham in, Bartholomew, Hahn, Parry, Seitz, and Wolters (eds),Canon and Biblical InterpretationScripture & Hermeneutics series, Volume 7 (Paternoster), 333...
This is set in shark contrast to the devotion of the poor widow. Incidentally, even biblical scholars, theologians, pastors, and social justice activists face the temptation to put on a show in their work, especially when they have become famous. We need to be on our guard all the time....
These examples show that, while all acts of righteousness and obedience matter, certain principles such as love, justice, and mercy take precedence in the biblical hierarchy. This biblical understanding of prioritizing certain commands helps believers focus on what is most important in their walk with...
using scriptures for self-gain and putting the reader to be in control of the meaning of the text.” He has also warned that the experience of poverty can not only inform but also take control of how we understand the Bible, leading people to think the “prosperity gospel” is biblical....
1.We need to learn the context of the particular biblical book we’re reading.We readJeremiahdifferently than we readEphesiansorRevelation. These are all the word of God, but given to us through the words of three very different men in different circumstances. If you havea good study Bible...
In the Bible, church leaders were ordained to lead the congregation by being chosen as worthy of leadership by those within the congregation, or appointed by a head such as Paul. “Candidating” in some circles, such as Baptists, means that a pastor is chosen on the bas...