But instead of being thankful, Jerusalem “trusted in your beauty” and then became promiscuous with just about anyone she could find, taking God’s gifts and making idols, even sacrificing her children. This passage reminds me of King Uzziah, who “was marvelously helped, till he was strong...
Get Behind the Easel – Thanksgiving Verses: A fun and easy Bible memory verse game to help your kids memorize 3 great Bible verses about being thankful. Bible memory verse games will help your children hide God’s Word in their hearts and for this one… ...
Once more, I know that this is not true of all churches, and I'm thankful to have been involved with some great exceptions. But even good Christians and healthy churches are at risk of losing what they have if it is not intentionally guarded and cultivated. Biblical literacy and the skill...
Teaching Point #3:T – (Thanksgiving) – We can tell God thank you! – Prayer should always include thanksgiving and their is so much our little ones can learn to be thankful for. Bible Game #3:“My Family Loves Me” – Preschoolers can learn to be thankful for their families and al...
The Lord has trulyblessed our marriage. I am verythankfulfor a wife who is forgiving,longsuffering, patient, determined, beautiful (inside and out), extremely intelligent, loyal, Spirit-filled, gracious, and who is used by the Lord every day to radiate His love not only to our personal hou...
Oh Lord, the God of all creation, I praise your holy name. I am thankful for your overwhelming love for me. Your promises from Scripture fill me with hope and joy. Thank you for Your truth and honour that reigns forever. Amen.
Verse 29 explains God’s wrath is on those who defy him; he is a consuming fire. His fire burns away impurities, refines, and purifies until all is clean. 28-29 Do you see what we’ve got? An unshakable kingdom! And do you see how thankful we must be? Not only thankful, but ...
Some years ago a friend bought a house. She was really thankful to God that they found this wonderful house for her young family of six. You see, they had four children. It was important for them to have a family room, a dinning room, a deck; and that everyone has their own bedroom...
I am sure most of my readers recall how Nabal reacted, and we shall get to that next post, but for this passage, let’s consider the thankful spirit that Nabal could have provided but didn’t. Is it not right to live in a thankful spirit to God, for the many blessings He has ...
If you belong to God, then God is working things out in your life for your good and for His glory. He can use all of our hard struggles for our good. We can be thankful for everything. Ephesians 4:32 Learn thebooks of the Old Testament. ...