As they were going, Jesus announced to his disciples that they would all desert him—become offended, fall away, or be ‘scandalised.’ Jesus supports this assertion with an appeal to Scripture: ‘I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.’ Jesus is quoting Zechariah 13:...
“Why do people get offended when we call Muslim people terrorists – weren’t the people who attacked us and killed thousands of Americans Muslim, doing it in the name of their religion?! They all want to kill us!” Okay, some of those lines that I’ve made into quotes are controversi...
Assure guests that you will not be offended in the least if they tell you they can’t eat something or give a suggestion for an alternative ingredient or recipe. Ask your guests for recipe suggestions that they know are safe to eat. You could even go the extra effort to make a special...
The minister, by yielding to the wicked desires of the ungodly, drove Him away, being afraid that the devil would drive him away from his people. So by undertaking to satisfy the devil he offended God. And God so ordered events that in a short time the minister had to leave his people...
That God would so forgive us all our sins as we forgive others who have offended us. (See Luke 6:37.) May those who do not forgive expect forgiveness themselves? No; on the contrary, they pass judgment upon themselves as often as they say the Lord’s Prayer. “And when you stand pr...