For the earlier period his criticism is necessarily imperfect, and requires to be combined with the results of later inquiries. Kirchhofer's collection of the original passages which bear on the history of the Canon (Quellensammlung, etc., Ziirich, 1844) is useful and fairly complete, but ...
would come to us and give your life for us. We are sinful, broken, and imperfect people, but You came out of Your great love for us. Your Love casts out fear. Your grace is sufficient for our weakness. Your Spirit is alive in us. Your Word stands true for all eternity. We praise...
(De inst. div. lit., I, ii). But all these various partitions were too imperfect and too uneven for practical use, especially when in the thirteenth century concordances (seeConcordances of the Bible) began to be constructed. About this time, Card.Stephen Langton,Archbishopof Canterbury, who...
MV: (Know?)…Where there is knowledge it will pass away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. I Cor. 13:8b, 9 & 10 FV: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter th...
Is there anything, then, within the glory to which I, in my poor, struggling, hampered, imperfect life here on earth, can feel that my character is being shaped? Yes, surely there is. I have no doubt that, in the words of my text, the Apostle is remembering the solemn ones of our...
If that were so, then the person with the most imperfect body, one that contains genetic defect, say, and is severely crippled and weak, would be the most sinful. And the person with the most nearly perfect body would be the least sinful. And we all know that that’s not true. Sin...
This servant of Abraham’s, with a very imperfect knowledge of the divine will, had, when he set out on his road, prayed very earnestly that God would lead him. He had ventured to prescribe a certain token, naﶥ in its simplicity: ‘If the girl drops her pitcher, and gives ...
In order to mediate our salvation the Lord Jesus did the following: He was born under the law and perfectly fulfilled it; He underwent and suffered the punishment deserved by us, being made sin and curse for us; He was crucified and died; He arose on the third day with the same body ...
imperfect universe, in these hellish dimensions of created matter and time. Only in exceptional cases can the Unknowable God penetrate these dimensions, through one of his Messengers – Lucifer, in order to make a generally small change, and with great sacrifice. This only happens on very rare ...
“There are those who have known the pardoning love of Christ and who really desire to be children of God, yetthey realize that their character is imperfect, their life faulty, and they are ready to doubt whether their hearts have been renewed by the Holy Spirit. To such I would say, ...