It's incredibly easy to use and the tools have been a great blessing to feasting on the word of God. I struggle with other tools because I have now become dependent on the notes I've made, the powerful search engine, and the links, OH THE LINKS are phenomenal resources I've used ...
Even full-blown believers think about these things, but unlike the unbeliever, they have read and understand the words of the prophets about the fall of mankind, sin, the love of God, redemption through Christ, and the path mankind has been on for thousands of years. 2.) Suffering in the...
But more than that, it gives you background and context for each Scriptural passage, followed by a reflection on each passage. The reflections deal with all different kinds of life experiences, with different women reflecting on the different ways they’ve learned to love God. But the heart ...
On a more practical level, I have found that most people want something almost as spectacular before they will believe and put their trust in God. They want God to stop all wars, stop disease, death, and destruction before they believe.” “Give me wealth and security so that I don’t ...
Since Jesus said that the greatest commandments are to love God and love others (Matt. 22.38-40), allow the Holy Spirit to help you examine the quality of your love by asking, “How did I do today? Was I patient? With whom was I impatient? Did I seek forgiveness from God and others...
One Minute Message™ Scripture and Prayer for Dec. 9, 2024: This plan, which God will complete when the time is right, is to bring all creation together, everything in heaven and on earth, with Christ as head. (Eph 1:10 GNB) Prayer: LORD, when the world is unreasonable, irrational...
My name is Angela and I've been working in the area of Christian Education and discipleship for over 25 years, which has often included running programs to help engage people with the church. For many years that meant asking questions like: how can we ma
I’ve kept asking myself: “What was so special about “those days?” Nothing. Nothing at all. Nada. NOTHING! Until you take into account that on one of them Jesus was born. Perhaps a day JUST TODAY! In some sense, even those dark days provided the perfect backdrop for a ...
In these texts persons who are trying to serve God are depicted as engaging in intense struggles with the world. Within the Jeremiah 15:15-21 and the Psalm 26 texts, the prophet and the psalmist speak boldly to the Lord asking for support in their struggles. In the very important “Burnin...
For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation. On the farthest sides of the north, I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, ...