Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2.Joshua 1:8这律法书不可离开你 的口,总要昼夜思想 , 好使你谨守遵行这书上所写的一切话。如此,你的道路就可以亨通,凡事顺利。 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; ...
1.Often,Scriptures.Also calledHoly Scripture(orScriptures).the sacred writings of the Old or New Testaments or both together. 2.(often l.c.) any writing or book, esp. when of a sacred or religious nature. 3.(sometimes l.c.) a particular passage from the Bible. ...
1.Often,Scriptures.Also calledHoly Scripture(orScriptures).the sacred writings of the Old or New Testaments or both together. 2.(often l.c.) any writing or book, esp. when of a sacred or religious nature. 3.(sometimes l.c.) a particular passage from the Bible. ...
It must continually be fed and stimulated by its Source of life, the Saving Word of Christ as it is expressed in SacredScripture,inTradition, especially liturgical and sacramental tradition, and in the lives of people, past and present,[...] ...
But the only way to prove the value of the "Supreme Memory Book" is to try it yourself. Don't let age or poor memory be an excuse that keeps you from being closer to God by memorizing His Words. Look, Jesus Christ used His memorized scriptures to resist temptation and avoid sinning…...
We contend that man-made traditions, rather than the truth according to Scripture, has produced a modern day Church with little to no resemblance to the Church as described by Christ and His Apostles.
What the Bible reveals is Jesus Christ—the mystery ofwhoGod is. All that humans can know in their own capacity is the world. God, however, is not the world but rather the mystery within which the world has its being (21). The mystery of God is threefold: his transcendent majesty over...
I have the mind of Christ in everything I say and do.Philippians 2:5 In the world I will have tribulation, but my heart is full of joy because God gives me the power to overcome.John 16:33 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, controls my heart and mind.Philippia...
Interestingly, that article also says, the synovium “not only has its own specific functions but also interacts with other tissues in the joint both structurally and functionally.” That’s just like the body of Christ, too, isn’t it?1 Corinthians 12says we each have our own gifts and ...
1 Thess. 4:16 –“For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the archangel’s call, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first…” Scripture reveals the names of three archangels: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. ...