This was not and is not the way of Jesus. He loves others. He prays for others and we are invited to do the same. Genesis 1:27- “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” ...
Baha’u’llah establishes the throne of King David as the Executive Branch of His Universal House of Justice. This everlasting Covenant was begun with Adam, passed down through Abraham and David, and promised by Jesus Christ
In the gospel this Sunday, we have at least one answer to this question. In the gospel Jesus does pray for you. At the end of a long speech (we call the Farewell Discourse), Jesus prays for his disciples and all those who believe because of the words of the disciples. If you belie...
How wonderful is Jesus Christ. How wonderful is his death for us. Our life, our ministry, our institutions are all about Jesus Christ. Not us. He alone is worthy of all blessing, all honor, all glory. His being who he is and doing what he has done is what elevates us to be a k...
In John 6:68-69, Peter, justified before God, declares that Jesus has the words of eternal life. In Luke 22:31-32, Jesus prays for Peter that his faith may not fail and charges him to strengthen the rest of the apostles. In these and many other examples, Peter is justified before ...
been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace . . .” Through the cross, He reconciled us to Himself, so when we believe on Jesus Christ, we “are no longer strangers and aliens.” The Getty’s hymn, “Jesus, Joy of the Highest Heaven,” puts it this ...
Matt.18:10 –“See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.” Jesus’ use of “their angels” (hoi angeloi auton) in reference to “one of these little ones” (enos ton micron...
- Jesus = new "scapegoat", puts all sins to death w/ love + atones for them on the cross Main problem in Book of Numbers (journey to PL) - Israelites complain Bronze Serpent - God sends plague of fiery serpents to Israel after complaints- Moses prays to Him, sends Bronze Serpent: ...
But Jesus is God and there is something more! He is our God who will one day judge us. For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committedalljudgmentunto the Son: John 5:22 Claim #1-Jesus is God. He made everything. All Judgment is given unto him. ...
All those ceremonial laws pointed forward to Jesus and His death on the cross that they might have faith in Him. Today, we look back at Jesus and the cross that we might have faith. Both of us are saved by faith, not by the works of the law of ceremonies. ...