Of course, this is why Jesus prayed that it wouldn’t. Good news! Jesus has prayed that your faith would not fail. Peter would be put to the test many times. The first was when Jesus was taken and sent before the rulers. Peter denied knowing Jesus three times! Then Jesus was crucifie...
18But the whole crowd shouted, “Away with this man! Release Barabbas to us!” 19(Barabbas had been thrown into prison for an insurrection in the city, and for murder.) 20Wanting to release Jesus, Pilate appealed to them again.
At the time Jesus prayed this prayer, the New Testament had not been created. Paul had not been converted. Jesus was referring to the Tanakh which contains all the books of what we call the Old Testament. Jesus used the Tanakh to help His disciples understand the scripture which spoke of ...
Finally, then, brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more.For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus.Forthis is the will of G...
Bible Game #1:Find and Flip – The Lord’s Prayer – Here is a fun Power Point game that introduces one of the greatest prayers Jesus prayed, The Lord’s Prayer. The children are shown important points about this prayer as pictures. As each of the images is flipped a large poster is ...
Jesus prayed for it. The Holy Spirit provides for it. We will be blessed by it. Come Holy Spirit unify your people! Live It: Pray for your enemies. Add “For my enemies” to your list of people you pray for. If you don’t have a list of people you pray for, start one with en...
(Of course, in a sense, Mary broughtTHELamb, but she was still under the Levitical law, so, not being able to afford a lamb, she was allowed to sacrificebirds.) Furthermore, it was important for Jesus, in His humanity, to be completely righteous under the Law, so it could be ...
You must register to take this course.The normal price for this course is $299. However, those who are part of the Discipleship Group get to take the entire courseabsolutely free(a $299 value!). Go here tojoin a discipleship group today. If you are already part of a grouplog in here...
This tells us that the criterion for determining a true church is its conformity and fidelity to the gospel of Jesus Christ.The Historical Argument – Hearing the Ancient FootstepsAgain, the essential truth of Matthew 16:18-19 is that the Church is built upon the truth of the gospel—of ...
Esther 4:3,16 – people fasted for days to atone for sin. Although Jesus remits the eternal penalty of our sin, we can atone for temporal penalties due to our sin. Psalm 35:13 – David says, “I afflicted myself with fasting.” David recognized that fasting drew him closer to God. ...