In the gospel, Jesus claims his followers. He says we will know his voice. We will follow him. He will give us eternal life. Then Jesus says no one can take us out of his hand. No one can take us out of the Father’s hand. Scholars tell us that this is a turn of phrase that...
Medinan), Bahá'u'lláh's writings can be broadly divided into two periods: the first from his imprisonment in 1852 through the end of his stay in Baghdad; and the second from the public announcement of his claim to be a Manifestation of God in 1863 to the end of his life in 1892....
Over the years since my conversion to Christ from atheism (43 years), I have seen people come to Christ and receive Him. And, just as Jesus warns in the parable of the seed, there are many who receive the truth with joy, but for various reasons (e.g., cares of this life, riches,...
Try to actively incorporate the verses in day-to-day life and ministry. In Luke chapter four the Lord Jesus combats the devil's temptation by responding with specific Scriptures dealing with each temptation, which is so needed to overcome sins of the heart (Luke 4:4, 8, 12; I Corinthians...
James 2:19 – even the demons believe that Jesus is Lord. But they tremble. Faith is not enough. Works are also required. James 2:20 – do you want to be shown, you shallow man, that faith apart from works is barren? Good works in God’s grace are required for justification. But...
to live life abundantly. However, we also need to understand that when stress dominates our lives, it’s not because we’ve lost the ability to trust God. It’s because we aren’t armed with a game plan to counter stress. Just like the Bible instructs us with multiple ways to combat...
Let us look at a real-life example. On more than one occasion I have heard Zambian preachers discuss whether or not Jesus’ promise of abundant life in the Gospel of John should encourage them to dream of owning their own airplanes. The debate concerns this verse: “The thief comes only ...
Most of you believe that you ought to ‘fear the Lord’: but you are apt to put off, and so I wish to urge on you that you should give your hearts to Jesus Christ at once. I. The blessedness of youthful religion. {a} It guards from many temptations, and keeps a character innocen...
"My Father giveth you the true bread from heaven; I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever."Jesus, in representing Himself as "bread", plainly intimates that one grand end of His mission was to give life. The only use ...
and the mercy of God. One thing is abundantly clear from my research – Jesus cannot be accurately preached without emphasizing these concepts. The scriptures prove, without doubt, that the very reason Jesus Christ came to earth in the flesh was to save us from our sin (it is sad that th...