From time to time as I grew up, interest arose in name meanings. My friends were always tickled to discover that my first name, Barbara, means “stranger.” I’d hear good-natured comments the speakers thought were witty, like, “Yeah, you’re the strangest friend I have.” When I wa...
Even though this passage is about the Christian life, it sheds light on the fact that suffering is not necessarily a negative experience, whether Christian or not. The urban poor have learned to live in hope. Their character has been shaped by years of patient endurance in suffering. I will...
I am not weary in doing good, for at just the right time I will reap a harvest of blessing if I don't give up.Galatians 6:9 Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy...
Our victory is in Jesus Christ! No matter the trouble. He is the victory. The battle belongs to the Lord. He will fight for you. He will get the victory. Whatever sin struggle you are trying to defeat, God can give you the victory through Jesus. Have faith! And ask for His help!
whatever the circumstances may be. I know now how to live when things are difficult and I know how to live when things are prosperous. In general and in particular I have learned the secret of eating well or going hungry--of facing either plenty or poverty. I am ready for anything throu...
John Henry Newman explained it in an 1884 essay entitled “Inspiration in its Relation to Revelation.” Newman’s argument He wrote: “It is quite evident that this passage furnishes no argument whatever that the sacred Scripture, without Tradition, is the sole rule of faith; for, although ...
I. THE MEN WHOSE EVIL HANDLING OF THE SCRIPTURE I AM GOING TO POINT OUT are described generally in our text as "unlearned and unstable." Those meant by "unlearned" are men who, whatever be their human knowledge, have either never "learned of the Father," or who are at best, "un...
Neither merely dust, nor merely animal, nor a god. As Brunner turns to the Bible to answer this question he finds that humanity iscreatedbeing, so that whatever we are, we are because God has made us so. Brunner bats away the scientific question concerning the mechanism God used to create...
that each Church claimed the right of satisfying itself in this matter — their high veneration for the genuine apostolic writings — their anxious regard for each other's prosperity leading to the free communication from one to another of whatever could promote this, and, of course, among other...
no man sees one iota in the Scriptures, but he that hath the Spirit of God... If you speak of the external clearness, nothing whatever is left obscure or ambiguous; but all things that are in the Scriptures, are by the Word brought forth into the clearest light, and proclaimed to the...