“‘I have fought,’ says he, “the good fight; I have finished my course; I have kept the faith.’ Now, in the first place, these good works were nothing, unless they had been preceded by good thoughts. Observe, therefore, what he says concerning these very thoughts. His words, whe...
II Timothy 4:7 - "I have fought a good fight, I have ___ my course, I have kept the faith:" 17. Titus 1:2 - "In ___ of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;" 18. Philemon 1:3 - "Grace to you, and ___, from God our Father ...
no good works, no religious activity can ever satisfy the perfect righteousness of God. Works do not save—they never have, and they never will. The only work that matters is the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, where He bore the penalty...
Again, the whisper comes, this time from within my soul. ‘Pray for those who do not know me for darkness will fall upon those who do not heed my call. The day will soon be here and time is running out. I need my children to plead for the lost so they will find the light. Don...
I have everything I need to live an excellent life. I am connected to the One who is the Source of all good things.James 4:2 I am not afraid. God said it, and I believe it.Mark 5:36 I love the Lord my God with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my strengt...
I responded to the question Max put forth that went something like this: will you be prepared to reply when the time comes for you to respond about your faith that could mean your death, as it did for Queen Esther and Mordechai? I am barely comfortable when I have to respond, and it...
Then the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?” Jesus said to them,“Most assuredly, I say to you,before Abraham was, I AM.” Then they took up stones to throw at Him; but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple, going through ...
This last month Mom was diagnosed with a skin cancer on her forehead. We have been through two surgeries in two weeks and she has fought through a lot of pain, that woman is TOUGH ( God gives her strength that is for sure). It has hurt my heart ...
Or even God (“He that has seen me has seen the Father.”). And he messed up one of their “profit centers,” turning over their tables, sending the synagogue profiteers scrambling for cover. The people must have loved it. And I have to confess I’d have been impressed seeing Jesus ...
“Simon, My follower, I have made you the foundation of the Holy Church. I betimes called you Peter (Kepha), because you will support all its buildings. You are the inspector of those who will build on earth a Church for me…I have given you the keys of my kingdom. Behold, have ...