Anglican Theological ReviewBorsch, Frederick Houk. "Mary and Scripture: a Response to Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ: an Agreed Statement of the Anglican- Roman Catholic International Commission." Anglican Theological Review 89, no.3 (2007): 375-399....
he now believed himself to be commissioned to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. At the heart of his theology lay his relationship with Christ – summed up in the phrase ‘in Christ’ – a relationship shared
So strike TWO I hope I can see some serious wavering from the truth so far. Righteousness of Christ certainly cannot be diminished in a method of canceling Jesus’ fulfilling the law or does it excuse the redemption or justification we find in the faith of God: what I found that there is...
The Abide Bibleis designed to help you experience the peace, hope, and growth that come from encountering the voice and presence of God in Scripture. Every feature inAbideis designed to teach and develop Scripture-engagement habits that help you know the power and spiritual nourishment of abiding...
I have been teaching the Bible and theology for decades now in churches and colleges, training Christian leaders. I am now making this material available for free to a wider audience in the hope that it will be a benefit to the health and growth of the wider church. ...
The gospel message of today leaves much to be desired. As I noticed so called Christianity is predominately no different than the world, struggling, committing suicide, not having any hope. Getting pumped up about going to heaven yet living miserably ...
Welcome to the Scripture Menu. Whether you begin with a brief Bible study as an appetizer or go straight to one of our all-Scripture entrées, we hope you have a satisfying meal of the Word of God. Appetizers More at Christian Life With Michael ...
Sometimes you discover your gifts by trying different things. In my early Christian life, I was often asked to participate in children’s ministries. I did, and I hope it was useful to those involved. But I didn’t really enjoy it and often had to deal with myself about a less-than-...
There is Hope Today With everything happening in the world, it can be hard to have hope. But Christ offers us someone to hope in that is greater than the worldRead More Christian Living Waiting for Christmas The weeks leading up to Christmas is a time for waiting, much like the Israelite...
Scripture Verse Of the Week. 2 Corinthians 5 Verse 17: “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; old things have passed away and look, new things […] Email Us At: ...