Therefore, this content is not just for Christian leaders (although a Christian leader who is not competent in these things is not a faithful leader, and is likely a part of the problem).But this content is aimed for all faithful Christians to grow in Biblical literacyin order to know and...
Faithful is defined as “true to one’s word, promises, vows, etc.” or “reliable, trusted, believed.” We all appreciate someone who is faithful and trustworthy at the end of the day, but often have a hard time finding someone who hasn’t let us down before. We are often guarded ...
communal (awareness of God’s presence and fellowship with one another), a symbol of covenant with God (eating a meal together in the ancient Near East), symbolic of Christ (New Testament believers “feed” on Him spiritually,not transubstantially). ...
God is faithful to His promises and His people December 8, 2024 Read Deuteronomy 2 here: Deuteronomy 2 NASB – Wanderings in the Wilderness How to Trust God’s Guidance in Your Life: … Continue reading → What is the significance of Cana? December 7, 2024 Cana is a small town in...
Learn that eternal is the absolutely free gift of God See how good works and faithful living fit in to gospel Grow in your ability to share the gospel with others Develop your ability to live out the gospel in your life Gain more confidence in reading, studying, and teaching the Bible ...
You can see that the “saints” are not dead as you read through these passages. They are alive. Also, they are described as a delight to the Lord, faithful, and covenant-minded with God. They are joyful and even sing when they are in their beds!
God is faithful to make a way of escape for every temptation we face. Hiding His Word in our hearts gives Him additional tools to use in giving us victory over sin. These memory courses have a "Triple-A" benefit, in that they are particularly beneficial to those who are: Active in ...
Proverbs 16:24 She is clothed with strength and dignity. She can laugh at the days to come. Proverbs 31:25 She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:26 ..but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings ...
Serve faithfully where you are. As a young man, Joseph could not have known all that was ahead for him: being sold into slavery by his brothers, being wrongly accused, sent to prison, and then becoming second to Pharaoh in Egypt. But He was faithful to God in every situation. Likewise...
I pray for my brothers and sisters today who may be struggling in their faith. Please remind them that when we are faithless, you remain faithful. Help us to remember that you're the way, the truth, and the life and that no one can snatch us out of your hands. ...