Dear readers, before closing your eyes tonight, look around you. Try to find at least ten things you can thank God for. Don’t exclude any telephone calls or unexpected guest that happened to drop by. I’ll share with you a secret I use on unwanted telemarketer phone calls. Those type...
Hearing and obeying God’s Word builds our lives on the bedrock of truth. We’d all probably admit to being shaken to some degree in the face of devastating news. But when we remind ourselves of the truth of God’s Word about who our God is, how much He loves us, how powerful and...
Flippant promises, not thought out, or without prayerful consideration, are still promises. We are to be a faithful people, not only to God, but to those who are amongst us, by which we are faithful to God. If we break a promise to a friend or enemy, it is as if we break our w...
If you’re using them in a Scripture memory box, cardstock is just fine. If you want to punch holes and have them on a ring, laminating them first will make them extra durable. Remember theScripture memory cards from our prayers and the Mass? They originally cost $2 to download, but n...
before them, and because these are the right kind of things to say in a prayer. Such prayers get no answers. If a man prays for some spiritual enlargement, and then goes out into the world and lives clean contrary to his prayers, what right has he to say that God delays His answers...
“We do not say that marriage was not sanctified by Christ, since the Word of God says: ‘The two shall become one flesh’ and one spirit. But we are born before we are brought to our final goal, and the mystery of God’s operation is more excellent than the remedy for human weakne...
See Mel Lawrenz’s book, Prayers for Our Lives: 95 Lifelines to God for Everyday Circumstances. The world is a better place when millions of Christians study the Bible seriously, searching hard for the original meaning of its authors, uncovering the foundations on which all of life can be ...
God often calls our attention to the fact that we have an idol, by not answering our prayers, and thus leading us to inquire as to why our prayers are not answered, and so we discover the idol, put it away, and God hears our prayers. 4...
3A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD ; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. 4Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. ...