This is an amazing statement. It means that God has a plan for our lives and that we should walk in His will and fulfill His plan. Paul is not talking about “kismet”—an impersonal fate that controls your life no matter what you may do. He is talking about the gracious plan of a...
Define Religious scripture. Religious scripture synonyms, Religious scripture pronunciation, Religious scripture translation, English dictionary definition of Religious scripture. Noun 1. religious text - writing that is venerated for the worship of a de
1.) Passages of scripture have been twisted to teach that the lost have eternal life in burning flames even though the Bible clearly states that the wages of sin is eternal death, not eternal life in flames. We may have created a God, in our heads, where His wrath is never satisfied. ...
As Christians, we are called to evangelize people and to engage all people in the redemptive plan of God; in order to fulfill his purpose it is necessary to share our knowledge of God´s word in congregations and secular life. Despite didact techniques has been evolving for centuries provi...
I read once in a daily devotional book by Susie Larson that God doesn’t make things nice, He makes things new. How right she is. Thank you, Susie, I needed to read that. Resting in God is the key to letting Him do what He has planned. Don’t take the burden back up and carry...
JOB: You and my comforters. That’s what they kept saying to me over and over again: “God has a plan”; “There are good reasons for your pain that you don’t understand” ; “God cannot be unjust.” ABRAHAM: And they were right, weren’t they? God did bless you. ...
God has planned a salvation that must be freely chosen and that enables a sinful man to be a free chooser.God has created man with a will that gives him the capacity to make unforced choices.As a result of the Fall, all men are born in a state of sin, the corruption of which ...
Dispensationalists believe that most of the prophecies about Israel are to be read literally as written. This creates a prophecy view that has God’s plan for Israel being different than His plan for the Gentiles (non-Jews). Their claim about this calf is nothing new for them for they ha...
God has a better plan even on the topic of death. Then there are movies and experiences that tell of a person who died on the operating table and went to a light in the sky or walked the streets of gold. There is a popular movie about a young boy who died and saw heaven and fami...
God had led the Israelites to the Red Sea for good reason; it was to give Pharaoh time to plan a strategy and to harden Pharaoh’s heart. The Egyptians found them, but God knew they would. I mean, He’s God after all. He wanted His people to trust Him. It was a way for them...