Small group leaders want people to “go deep” in their conversations and relationships, so some have “turn to your neighbor and bare your heart on command” sessions instead of letting those opportunities arise in a more natural way. Or would-be mentors feel they need to work through an a...
Genesis 12:5-7 (KJV)– And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother’s son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of (...) ...
Amen to that brother. You could never lose your salvation once you have put your faith on the death burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Too many bible verses in the King James that proves salvation is eternal. John 10 28 and 29 and first John chapter 5 verse 13. God bles...
The key to your whole Rapture position is faith in the character of God and His Promises to escape ALL the events of the Tribulation Week.
And the man said, They are departed hence; for I heard them say, Let us go to Dothan. And Joseph went after his brethren, and found them in Dothan. And when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, they conspired against him to slay him. And they said one to...
How many plagues were there before Pharaoh agreed to let Israel go? 10 Passover The night the Lord bypassed the houses of the Israelites marked by the blood of the lamb, and spared the firstborn sons from death. Where does the Book of Exodus get its name from? The departure of the Heb...
“But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.” And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. – Mark ...
This book is one of my favorites. My Brother’s Keeper, from page one, invites you to go deeper into the daily life and time of Christ. Most of us are very familiar with the scriptures that give us an account of his life. This book takes you to a personal level that creates a ver...
Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it. And if you judge the law, you are not a practitioner of the law, but a judge of it. Treasury of Scripture If you fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, You shall love your neighbor ...
“I am about to go the way of all the earth,” he said. “So be strong, act like a man, and observe what the Lord your God requires: Walk in obedience to him, and keep his decrees and commands, his laws and regulations, as written in the Law of Moses. Do this so that you ...