How do you celebrate the true meaning of Christmas with your kids? Here are 4 creative Bible-based activities that will celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – the true reason for the season. What is the true message of Christmas that… ...
“And she will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His… Continue reading →: The True Story of Christmas christmas, encouragement, Homelessness, Hope, jesus, Poverty The Invitation is Open! Published by PastorChuck on December 5, 2024 Imagine you are a ...
If even a tiny fragment of the Christmas story is true, the time to yawn and stretch Is gone! “Ho-hum” is not a rational approach to such profoundly beautiful, wonderful concepts. The Bible says simply, plainly, that the Word…The Eternal Living Word of God…became flesh, just like ...
With everything happening in the world, it can be hard to have hope. But Christ offers us someone to hope in that is greater than the worldRead More Christian Living Waiting for Christmas The weeks leading up to Christmas is a time for waiting, much like the Israelites anxiously were waiti...
Reviewer for Good Reads Bill Kassel has taken a very different approach to the Christian story. His is not the conventional Christmas card portrait of the Holy Family. Rather, he has delved deeply into the earliest writings in Church Tradition and offered some compelling suppositions about what ...
The gender inverts without it changing the essential nature of the character involved, which in this case is Christ. Now, what would you say if the most central image from the Christmas story not only happens in the New Testament but also in the Book of Judges, hidden beneath the gender-...
The saints, as described by the Bible, are alive. They are not declared saints after they die, but while they are still alive and active for the Lord. The requirement is to be “in Christ” and live a life that God gives you. It is not based on your good works or righteousness dee...
"Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. "Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ. But the greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself ...
easy to read and understand Bible Verses that tell the story of Christmas, the birth of Christ. You can use this as an Advent Calendar for kids, with or without an Elf on the Shelf doll. Your elf can bring a new verses each day, staying true to the real reason for the Christmas ...
Posts for Christmas and a New Year: Jesus, Light of the World: an Advent Poem to Pray 25 Christmas Bible Verses to Usher in Peace and Joy Gifts for Jesus–a Christmas poem Turning Christmas Upside Down The Gift of Christmas Jesus, the Haven with Heavenly Names–an Isaiah 9:6 poem ...