Boomerangs, according to G. K. Chesterton, are “things that return.” He names sleep and a new day as boomerang blessings–something we experience which comes back to us to experience again. No matter how many times we go to sleep and wake up again, we continue to enjoy those recurring...
are for the apostles and others who will be spreading the message of the Good News. For if their hearts and attitudes are not right, their message concerning the blessings which are in store for them are not available.(*) And will not be understood. ...
Scripture consists largely of general and specific principles in particular contexts to which they apply. Because of this, decisions cannot be made without taking them to the Lord in prayer. We need to express our needs, our desires, and our hopes. Give Him the glory for all he has done f...
Baby Dedication Bible Verses Be Not Afraid Bible Verses Be Still and Know That I Am God Bedtime Bible Verses Bible Verse About Rocks Bible Verse for Athletes Bible Verses about a Broken Heart Bible Verses about Aaron Bible Verses about Abigail Bible Verses about Abortion Bible Verses about ...
And Christ Jesus, who began his earthly life as a helpless little baby, desired and needed to be physically taken care of, dependent on others for every thing of survival. So, yes, let us think of God having a face, and mouth, and hands… they are yours… they are theirs…… they ...
Having had the self-esteem beaten out of me as a child, being poor in spirit takes on a whole new meaning for me. Sure, there are those who think their feces doesn’t stink, and many of whom have wrangled their way into the pulpits of some massive churches. One that comes to mind...