TheSupreme Memory Bookis the absolute fastest and easiest way to accelerate your scripture memorization... So easy, in fact, that even kids can easily learn to memorize scripture too! Unlike most books on memorization, theSupreme Memory Bookis strictly a "meat and potatoes" book for you. This...
Maybe you have given them an incentive to drive them to finish. Maybe there is a reward shining that light at the end of the tunnel. Obviously for my kids, they wanted pets and this was their way to earn them. It was such a sweet trip to the pet store to get my son’s hamster ...
The scripture melodies aren’t just for children. As we get older, we often find it more difficult to memorize, but we still find ourselves singing those advertising jingles we didn’t even realize we were hearing! We do learn what we hear and especially what we sing! We frequently add ...
There are numerous resources available of Scripture put to song; G. T. and the Halo Express is an excellent example of what is available. The Halo Express website offers several CDs of Scripture put to music. It is specifically geared toward helping kids interact with and memorize Scripture....
Get Behind the Easel – Thanksgiving Verses: A fun and easy Bible memory verse game to help your kids memorize 3 great Bible verses about being thankful. Bible memory verse games will help your children hide God’s Word in their hearts and for this one… ...
cut, laminate and display encouraging bible verses for mom, dad, kids and teachers on the bathroom mirror, in a lunch box, on your car dashboard, in a desk drawer and more. Even gift a card to a friend or another family member. Let’s surrender to God’s word and carry our armor....
Many Christians don’t memorize God’s Word because it seems too daunting. We make it easy. FUN Our app combines quality multi-genre music with interactive games and quizzes + a little friendly competition! Apptime Word-for-word Scripture songs, quizzes, and memory games to help kids and...
- Quote the verse to yourself and then click the Show button to see the answer. - If you almost know the verse but can't quite remember it, you can ask for a hint. - The app uses a spaced repetition learning strategy where you practice difficult verses every day and easy verses less...
Can you imagine talking to your kids about five Christian perspectives on obedience and respect? Or, could we conceive of a new book... 1,468 views0 comments 7 likes. Post not marked as liked7 Brian Fuller May 7, 20244 min read Cade Talks: Let's Memorize an Old Creed Cade Talks: A...
The problem is that I can never remember the verses.Oh, I know that somewhere it says something about this. But that doesn’t cut it. It’s much more powerful and beneficial to memorize God’s word, word for word, and know the references. ...