In conclusion, while we are looking for one man designated as the “antichrist,” the spirit of control, replacement, and disfigurement of who God is (His character) is alive and well today, even in those who profess to be followers of Christ. But a man of perdition, a beast, and a ...
Did David’s attendants assume that if a young woman was going to keep the elderly king warm, she had better be outwardly beautiful? When David was chosen to be king, God said, “Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.” Now David’s attendants are betraying ...
Example: A young man doesn’t know why the country fell into a recession, so he asks, “Is this really a recession? Has the government manipulated the numbers for political reasons?” These types of questions bring doubt and no real answers. It only adds to the confusion. Just as Athei...
I grew up in a Christian home and witnessed many answered prayers and God-orchestrated incidents regularly so perhaps believing was easy for me. I accepted Christ as my own personal Saviour and Lord at the age of six. I’ve been told it would be impossible for me to remember, but I do...
We say we want a relationship with Jesus, but we don’t really make time for him other than an hour on Sunday. Most Sundays that is – sometimes we have other plans. We claim to be pro-life, but we can’t concern ourselves with the needs of the elderly, the neglected, the impris...
Exodus 28:2 – it is especially important to honor religious leaders. Sacred garments for Aaron give him dignity and honor. Lev. 19:32- we should also honor “the face of an old man.” When the elderly die in Christ, we should continue honoring them, because death does not separate the...
I believe we should honor our parents. As for, who gave birth (one’s parents or God)…? The more you feel it’s your parents, the more duty you feel towards your elderly parents? S SendhelpMar 2022 I Stand In Awe Sovereign Grace Music ...
My sense is that in the emerging globalised world we are seeing more and more urban poverty issues. For example, as I highlighted in the past, there are a lot of elderly people living in poverty in Hong Kong, despite the enormous amount of wealth among the rich in the city. (Clickheret...
The Bible recognizes Satan’s world-system and warns us not to love it (1 John 2:15-16). When John writes and tells the Christian “do not love the world”, he’s not talking about the physical planet. The Greek word κόσμος kosmos as it is used
provided for widows and orphans, and visited prisoners with the Gospel. Christians have also promoted art, literature, music and science. Certainly there have been abuses in the name of Christianity; however, the historical record speaks favorably about Christian service. For the most part, believe...