To be a better teacher by digging deeper into the scriptures than ever before? We all know what itfeels like to read the scriptures and not feel fulfilled at getting the revelation you want.It's all too easy toget into a rut of reading a chapter and never digging for meaning because th...
30 、All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.───圣经都是神所默示的(或作凡神所默示的圣经),于教训,督责,使人归正,教导人学义,都是有益的。 31 、It Satan dared to use Scripture for the temptation of our Lord he will ...
Bible Game #4:“Community Helpers” – In this Bible game, the Scripture Lady teaches your preschoolers to pray for those in their community like the policeman, fireman, teacher and many others. Bible Song #3:“How to Pray”– Here is another one of Kathy’s newest songs which presents a...
This is how the fraud has worked so nicely, because of the power of deflection. An Oxford education for a lama whose followers believe him to have been divine from birth is a mere worldly emolument, of importance only because it shows that their guru is really smart, but the diversion Tru...
Listen to Your Daily Bible Verse and dive deeper into Scripture, re-examining your favorite verses and getting to the heart of the message of God’s Word.
Free Essay: All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that...
Testimonials About Scripture Lady’s Teacher Training Workshops Thank you Kathy. Your class in Burbank really changed the way we teach our kids. You truly are a blessing for children everywhere. Thank you for using the gifts that God has entrusted to you. ...
When I was taking a class in some New Testament epistles in college, the teacher said something like, “I don’t know if we have any Barbaras in here . . . ” (at which point everyone who knew me looked at me), “but the name Barbara comes from the word barbarian.” He said “...
The Bible coloring pages. Our hope is that every Sunday School teacher in the world would keep some by the door of their classroom¦offering parents the one thing they need most ¦A STARTING PLACE¦ in becoming the spiritual leaders their children need…...
A Personal Guide for Sunday Lesson/Scripture Study By Jan | April 14, 2012 |No Comments |Scripture Study I am really bad about reading lessons before hand. I have good intentions, but it never seems to last. And I’m sorry to have to put this into words, but sometimes the teacher doe...