That was largely due to having my daughter Brianna and my grandson Hudson with us for most of the... 320 views0 comments 8 likes. Post not marked as liked8 Brian Fuller Nov 26, 20232 min read Sights & Sounds From Sabbatical-Post #9 Originally, when I discussed plans for my sabbatical...
” which is where we get the title “Sodomite” for a homosexual. The Greek “aselgeia anastrophes” for lustful behavior is also found in Rom 13:13; Gal 5:19; Eph 4:19 and Jude 4.
As further discussed below, in this verse what “we have done” refers to a work of law or obligation for which we seek payment. But verse 5 also says the “washing of regeneration” in reference to baptism saves, which is a work of grace, for which we are rewarded by God in Christ...
Jethro/Reuel Moses father in law Zipporah Moses wife Gershom Zipporah's daughter Yahweh Another name for God Joshua Moses successor, led Israelites to the promised land Ja'el Killed Sisera with a tent peg Saul First king of Israel Jonathan Son of Saul - friends with David. - gave David hi...
The Bible teaches that if you stumble in just one point of the Law you are guilty of them all.(James 2:10) This is why we need a Savior. Jesus is that Savior. “And she will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His… Continue reading →: The Tru...
It is clear in this section that Brunner presupposes a universal knowledge of God, natural in the sense that every person has some ‘instinct’ (53) for it, that the gift of conscience has been given to every person by God, that “the law of God is as though it had been engraved in...
Lewis writes, To forgive the incessant provocations of daily life-to keep on forgiving the bossy mother-in-law, the bullying husband, the nagging wife, the selfish daughter, the deceitful son-how can we do it? Only, I think, by remembering where we stand, by meaning our words when we ...
He had done his very best to follow the law of Moses. When he questioned Jesus about eternal life, I suspect he was seeking affirmation for a job well done. He was likely hoping to be told that he had done all he needed to do, and could now sit back and relax. Much to his ...
A large proportion of the words in all languages, in truth all that express intellectual and moral ideas, were originally figurative, the universal law being to represent immaterial by material objects. Examples are the wordsexist,existence,emotion,affliction,anguish, etc. But in these, and innumer...
Choose and explain a passage 2 Healings: Jairus's daughter and hemorrhaging womanSandwich/Periscope (2 stories tied together), 12 years theme, Jesus moving, falling at Jesus's feet, seeking Him out, FAITH What do we know about Luke from scriptural evidence? Doctor (Col 4:14 - "beloved ...