It’s true, sometimes we need systems and routines because we don’t always “feel like” doing what we need to. A former pastor once said that one of his best times of prayer occurred when he had to start by confessing to the Lord that he didn’t feel like praying. Sometimes just ...
I am not weary in doing good, for at just the right time I will reap a harvest of blessing if I don't give up.Galatians 6:9 Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy...
See how good works and faithful living fit in to gospel Grow in your ability to share the gospel with others Develop your ability to live out the gospel in your life Gain more confidence in reading, studying, and teaching the Bible
– Preschoolers are very self-absorbed. That’s the way God made them at this age, but as teachers and parents we need to definitely teach them to be thoughtful of others and to pray for the needs of others. Bible Game #4:“Community Helpers” – In this Bible game, the Scripture Lad...
“For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. / He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard. / About the third hour he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing ...
There is a reason, I think, that this woman remains unnamed and silent in the narrative: her whole existence is, as it were, reduced to this act. This act is herlife-act, that by which her whole life and existence is characterised and understood. There is abeingand adoingwhich cannot...
you would see what even to see is a crime; you would see what people embruted with the madness of vice deny that they have done, and yet hasten to do–men with frenzied lusts rushing upon men, doing things which afford no gratification even to those who do them.” Cyprian of Carthage...
‘Sheena, I love you and always will. I think we have some work to do on our relationship, and I have a feeling we won’t be doing it on our own.’ Sheena looked into my eyes. Tears ran down her face and tilted her head. ‘Who?’ ...
The reasons for disagreement do not lie in the Scriptures themselves but in the baggage many people bring to the Scriptures. Many denominations have creeds or statements of faith that they use as a norm to define themselves. In doing so they tend to view Scripture through the lens of their...
doing. They might break down the team’s “passing game:” how well the offense is gaining yardage by throwing the ball. Then they will move on to the “running game:” whether the offense is able to get first downs or score touchdowns by carrying the ball forward on the ground. Then...