Paul is shocked. He is awestruck. The saints who cared for him, and had accepted him in their homes, willingly giving their time and talent due to the good news of Jesus that he brought them, were walking away from Jesus. Walking away from the One who had called them into the grace ...
prope fin.;Stromat.saepissime). — Tertullian distinctly intimates the existence of the New-Testament Canon in a complete form in his day by calling it "Evangelicum Instrumentum"(adv. Marc.4:2), by describing the whole Bible as "totum instrumentum utriusque Testamenti"(adv. Prax.100:20...
Another way of describing this is to say that He redeemed us from sin – it didn’t matter how many or the manner of the sins; they were all taken upon Him through the cross. Now, the question is, what will you do with the man upon the cross. His name is Jesus, and He is ...
The Bible talks a lot about faith, describing it as complete trust or confidence in someone or something, especially in God and His promises. It says that faith is believing in what we can't see. For example,Hebrews 11:1defines faith as "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction...
and this is a sign of their unbelief (that is why tongues are a “sign for unbelievers”; the “unbelievers” were the Corinthians themselves). This is the same reason why Jesus spoke in parables, to further harden the hearts of those who did not believe in Him, as a punishment for th...
Also, accountability runs in both directions. Not only do we need to insist that people follow the way of Jesus, but we need people in our lives insisting that we do the same. Who is insisting that you live the way of Jesus? Do you have a person who speaks the truth in love to yo...
Scriptural Inspiration: Revelation 19.The story isn’t over until Jesus comes back, His Bride is revealed reflecting His glory, and the world who rejected Him faces judgment. Often times, it’s easy to think of this cosmic conclusion as lofty, frightening, or even conflicting to how we under...
Now, if Jesus is the one who makes us to be a kingdom, if what he has done is to make us to be a kingdom, what’s our response? What’s our role now? We see our proper response in what the 24 elders do: They fall down before the Lamb. ...
“Then, describing what ought to be in the case of those who are joined together by God, so that they may be joined together in a manner worthy of God, the Saviour adds, ‘So that they are no more twain;’ and, wherever there is indeed concord, and unison, and harmony, between hus...
She was also called Beltis. Belits was the wife of Bel-Nimrod. She was called “the Queen of Fertility” and also known as “the Great Mother” (similar to how some revere Mary, the mother of Jesus today) and essentially was also Ishtar in the Assyrian triad (Clare, pp. 222-223)....