Consider her humilityin approaching David, and her regarding her own husband as a fool, making a point of describing his foolishness as being so thorough that even his name describes him perfectly. To be called Nabal in the Hebrew tongue is to be called Fool, for it is the same word! C...
All that to say, it can be difficult to do accountability the right way. But we don’t allow the difficulty to dissuade us from insisting that people live according to the way of Jesus. Even when it is often up for debate what that way of Jesus looks like, like how to dress for wo...
Our being a kingdom comes from Jesus our king. We recognize the one who reigns. Recognizing more of Jesus here and now, and embodying more of Jesus the lamb. That’s what it looks like for the kingdom to be more present. More centered in Jesus, lifting up Jesus, here and now. “...
Another way of describing this is to say that He redeemed us from sin – it didn’t matter how many or the manner of the sins; they were all taken upon Him through the cross. Now, the question is, what will you do with the man upon the cross. His name is Jesus, and He is ...
25 is describing the same thing as Jesus and Ezekiel. The difference is that Paul gets more theological as it relates to the state of the Jewish people and argues that their rejection is not final. But it appears Paul is pointing to the same event as Ezekiel and Jesus, i.e., the ...
Justin Martyr: And again, when the land was given up to you with so great a display of power, that you witnessed the sun stand still in the heavens by the order of that man whose name was Jesus (Joshua), and not go down for thirty-six hours, as well as all the other miracles wh...
Matt. 7:16,20 – Jesus’ statement “you will know them by their fruits” follows Sirach 27:6 – the fruit discloses the cultivation. Matt. 9:36 – the people were “like sheep without a shepherd” is same as Judith 11:19 – sheep without a shepherd. ...
Nimrod. She was also called Beltis. Belits was the wife of Bel-Nimrod. She was called "the Queen of Fertility" and also known as "the Great Mother" (similar to how some revere Mary, the mother of Jesus today) and essentially was also Ishtar in the Assyrian triad (Clare, pp. 222-...
"They gave the reins to their passions," says Migault, describing the horrors of which he was eye-witness; "devastation, pillage, torture – there was nothing they recoiled at." The details must be suppressed; they are too horrible to be read. The poor people knew not what to do; ...
“Our Lord, whose precepts and admonitions we ought to observe, describing the honour of a bishop and the order of His Church, speaks in the Gospel, and says to Peter: I say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock will I build my Church…Thence, through the changes of ti...