2 Is it a Sin for… Question: Is it a Sin for a Christian 3 Do Christians B… The Question: Do Christians Believe in Dinosaurs? Are 4 What is the Dan… The Question: What is the Daniel fast and 5 Did the Giants … From time to time, an interesting topic of Recent Posts:...
Why this is important: The first chapter of 1 John provides profound insights into the nature of God, the reality of sin, and the transformative power of fellowship with God and one another. As Christians seeking to live out our faith, understanding and applying the truths found in this chap...
Yet every time I read 1 and 2 Corinthians, I am amazed at how patient the apostle Paul is in dealing with them. They had much more than 20 percent that needed to be dealt with, but he never gave up on them. Enjoying the 80 percent of any relationship doesn’t mean we can never a...
Biblical Strategies for Dealing with a Toxic Supervisor What it Means to Be Spiritual When Jesus was Forsaken by the Father God the Son Came Down The Great Lie The Free Gift of God is Eternal Life Why Volition Matters: Belief in Jesus and Eternal Life Faith Without Works is Dead...
in what is obvious. God is our Creator and we were made in his image for a purpose. That purpose is fully realized when we escape the corruption of the world through a knowledge of our Lord and Savior. When we become familiar with God’s dealing with sinful man has found in scripture...
However, in spite of all the various approaches, Christian theologians have been unified in dealing with a central issue: how the self-disclosure of God in Jesus relates to the Scriptures as the Word of God. A central question is always the relationship between “the Word” becoming human fle...
“class rankings / a hierarchy” evidences a society that is still dealing with pride – or “Satan’s great Tool.” Second … the number six (6) has scriptural significance as being the number of imperfection … the human number … the number of man as destitute of God … without God ...
In Luke chapter four the Lord Jesus combats the devil's temptation by responding with specific Scriptures dealing with each temptation, which is so needed to overcome sins of the heart (Luke 4:4, 8, 12; I Corinthians 10:13). God is faithful to make a way of escape for every temptation...
Dealing With Spiritual Drought, Sins, Confession Of Sins, Repentance, Famine, Etc…The Hearts Of The Children Of Men Fear God, Walking With God January 92 Chronicles 6:32-33 God Mighty Hand And Arm, Prayer Of The Stranger In God’s House ...
as Provan suggests, God was inviting Moses still deeper into the divine life and counsel. But make no mistake: in this instance, MoseswithstoodGod even to the point of saying, “But now, if you will, forgive their sin—and if not, please blot me out from Your book which You have wri...