morals and decency is the result of the weakened influence of Christ's church. And I believe the best explanation of the church's weakness and inability is that it is starving to death, because the church has neglected the life-giving nourishment of the theological truth revealed in the ...
Yet every time I read 1 and 2 Corinthians, I am amazed at how patient the apostle Paul is in dealing with them. They had much more than 20 percent that needed to be dealt with, but he never gave up on them. Enjoying the 80 percent of any relationship doesn’t mean we can never a...
His death on the cross paid the price for the sins of everyone. Jesus’ death for sins is the foundation for reconciliation with God because God judged our sins in the person of Christ, who died on the cross in our place. Share this: Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in ...
Christian baptism is fundamental. Baptism represents the death of the self and its rebirth in Christ, a decisive breach with the life that has gone before. Baptism establishes a new identity, a new affiliation, a new mode of living, and a new life orientation, direction, and purpose. This ...
May we seek to love those we come in contact with, those who are a blessing, and to those who are not. It is for us to enjoy the life of love, abandoning the act of hatred, along with the death associated with it. May God teach us of His ways. Thanks again for coming to ...
Romans 8:6 - "For to be ___ minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." 2. Romans 8:8 - "So then they that are in the flesh cannot ___ God." 3. Romans 8:14 - "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the ___ of God." 4. Ro...
There is a tone of violence associated with phrase, because of the word “hell.” But Willard removes the violence, fire, and death, replacing the violence with hope of new life. When we think about our mission as disciples of Jesus, those three words say it all so well, “Give ‘em...
Sixth, our experience helps us to understand the mission of God.Godsenthis Sonto become a human being, to identify with the suffering of humanity, and to die on the cross so as to set them free from the power of sin and death. God raised him from the dead so that all who are in ...
Dealing With Spiritual Drought, Sins, Confession Of Sins, Repentance, Famine, Etc…The Hearts Of The Children Of Men Fear God, Walking With God January 92 Chronicles 6:32-33 God Mighty Hand And Arm, Prayer Of The Stranger In God’s House ...
Just this morning, one of the devotionals that a group of us read by Max Lucado. I responded to the question Max put forth that went something like this: will you be prepared to reply when the time comes for you to respondabout your faith that could mean your death, as it did for ...