Casting out demons (Matt. 8:16). Feeding the multitudes (Matt. 14:19-20). Speaking divine Truth (John 1:14; 14:6). Rebuking the arrogant (Matt. 23:1-39). Dying for sinners (Rom. 5:8; 1 Cor. 15:3-4). Providing eternal life (John 10:28). These are but a few of the lov...
34Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. 35The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, “He saved others; let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chos...
We saw someone casting our demons in your name And we tried to hinder him Because he was not following us But jesus said do not hinder him For there is no one Who shall perform america in my name And be able soon afterward to speak evil of me For he who is not against us is for...
Casting Satan and his cohorts out of heaven and thrown down to earth. Often considered to be a champion of justice and healer of the sick.It is said that St. Michael will achieve victory again, during the final battle against Satan. He is also known as the Christian angel of death, ...
the devil. But Christ (Elisha) can and will and teach us how we can do it through Him (prayer and fasting). The parable in Mark 9 is a NT witness to the failure of Gehazi and the success of Elisha in casting out deaf and dumb spirits which allows the boy to be raised to new ...