In the Church there are no stone tablets with letters inscribed by a Divine finger. The Church has the Holy Scriptures, but He Who established the Church wrote nothing. Only once, in the Gospel of John, was it said of Christ that He stooped down and wrote something; but even this one ...
Jesus is the central message—God participating in human life, coming near to us, bringing his good news, expressing God’s love for us, dying as our substitute, rising as the victor over death, and building his church as a community of grace. Jesus is not just the main character in on...
And The Word of God in the Gospel is still God's primary means for building His church. Historically, whenever God's people rediscover the wealth of truth and power in God's Word, they find God's power in the proclamation of the Gospel, and see lives and society changed for the ...
The Word of God in the life and mission of the Church Many christians remain without any contact with the Bible and the danger is always present thatit will not be used properly. "for Sacred Scripture is the Word of God inasmuch as it is consignedto writing under the inspiration of the ...
10.The holy Scripture says, “A little child shall lead them.” 11.In his judgment, the words of Scripture overrode both papal decrees and the teachings of the Church Fathers, the only true sacraments were baptism and Communion, and salvation depended entirely on the grace of God. ...
When Jesus returns, He will not look at your church attendance nor the money you gave to keep up a building and pay the bills, Here is what He will say, Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from...
I heard of a young man who said, “I will get right with God when I see them building the temple in Jerusalem. If not, I have a second chance during the seven years of tribulation.” Is this safe? Is this right? What if He dies before then? Just as we know no man knows the ...
The person of Christ in the Seventh–day Adventism: doctrine–building and E. J. Wagonner's potential in developing christological dialogue with eastern Ch... The feat of salvation and of the everlasting life had been (and still is) one of the most profound anxieties expressed by the Chris...
As pastor, a factor I must always consider when I confront is the real possibility that the person will leave the church if I don’t confront them well. Additionally, if they choose to stay at the church, they and I will now be in a relationship that includes a confrontational moment, ...